Fasting might be good for your healh, research says

Mimicking starvation for five days per month could reduce the effect of aging and help fight certain diseases like hypertension, according to a new...Read More

Brain health food guide for older adults

Canadian scientists have developed a food guide to help adults over 50 preserve their thinking and memory skills as they age.

?There is increasing...Read More

Skin tone linked to fruit and vegetable consumption

Most people know eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is good for long term health, but unfortunately, not that many actually consume the recommended...Read More

Eat more fruit and veg for a longer life

Eating 10 portions of fruit and vegetables a day could significantly reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer and early death, according to new...Read More

Research reveals surprising health benefits of chewing your food

Scientists have shown that chewing your food properly can boost your mouth′s immune system to protect you against illness.

The study led...Read More

Mushrooms could prevent risk of Dementia, scientists say

A study claims that mushrooms may enhance nerve growth in the brain that can prevent the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

According to...Read More

Smoking and sight loss warning

A smoker is four times more likely to lose their sight than someone who has never smoked, according to charity Eye Health UK.

Chemicals in tobacco...Read More

How mood and eating behaviour are connected

While fear and aggression tend to curb our appetite, sadness and frustration seem to stimulate it. A project funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF...Read More

23 foods that contain NO calories

It's that time of year when many of us are counting calories and making sure we don't eat more than we really need to.

But some foods are guaranteed...Read More

Just ten minutes of play a day can help children reduce their risk of developing heart disease and diabetes later in life

Playtime can help children relax and let loose after spending all day in school, but it can also decrease their risk of disease.

Just 10 minutes...Read More

What dangers are hidden in your pillow?

Do you have a runny nose even out of the cold and flu season? Or constantly suffer with a cough or itchy and watery eyes?

You may be allergic...Read More

Whole-body vibration may be as effective as regular exercise

A less strenuous form of exercise known as whole-body vibration (WBV) can mimic the muscle and bone health benefits of regular exercise in mice, according...Read More

This is how many calories your tea and coffee habit is adding to your diet EVERY DAY

It is an accepted part of your everyday routine ? but your morning cuppa may have far more calories than you think.

An analysis of tea and coffee...Read More

Aerobic training can help reverse ageing

Researchers suggest that aerobic exercise may be the best type of training for people over 65, as it can reverse some cellular aspects of ageing.

The...Read More

Cooking in aluminium pans may be dangerous for your health

Cooking food in aluminium pots, pans or dishes may reduce your kid?s Intelligent Quotient (IQ) and performance at school.

The findings published...Read More

WHO says strawberries may not be so safe for you

According to the World Health Organization, pesticides are potentially toxic to humans and may have negative effects on reproduction.

New York:...Read More

Why and how exercises reduce the risk of CANCER?

It′s long been known that exercising can reduce the risk of cancer.

And now scientists believe they have found another reason why - and...Read More

Legumes, nuts and kale can help you get big muscles

Good news for vegetarians who wish to enhance muscles mass! As a study reveals that eating legumes, nuts and kale may provide the same strength as a...Read More

Pasta eaters may have better diet quality: study

Pasta isn't at the top of many dieters? grocery lists, but a new study says the maligned food isn′t deserving of its bad reputation.

Researchers...Read More

Daily consumption of tea protects the elderly from cognitive decline

A cup of tea a day can keep dementia away, and this is especially so for those who are genetically predisposed to the debilitating disease, according...Read More

Dairy and vitamin D supplements protect against bone loss

Researchers from Harvard affiliated Hebrew Senior Life's Institute for Aging Research and University of Massachusetts Lowell have discovered that specific...Read More

Eating cheese does not raise cholesterol, study finds

A study published in the journal Nutrition and Diabetes concludes that people who eat a lot of cheese don′t necessarily have higher cholesterol...Read More

Daylight Savings Time: That miserable time of year when many mourn loss of one-hour sleep

If you don′t do mornings, you′re going to hate tomorrow morning even more. Prepare for glumness, grumpiness and a bunch of lazy, sloppy,...Read More

Soda, pizza and salty food up liver disease in kids: Study

Children who regularly intake fructose present in soda, sweetened beverages, pizza and salty food, biscuits, yogurt may be be prone to liver disease,...Read More

Study finds dramatic weight loss can be achieved WITHOUT counting calories

While many believe the key to losing weight is a strict calorie-counting regime, a new study has found this is not necessarily the case.

Instead,...Read More

How to prevent peanut allergies in children?

About six million young children in the U.S. suffer from food allergies?most commonly to peanuts. Pediatricians and allergy experts once agreed that...Read More

Those who consume fruit and vegetables have a 40% lower risk of an incurable lung disease

Smokers should eat make sure they eat more fruit and vegetables to prevent deadly lung disease, scientists warn.

Consuming five-a-day reduces...Read More

Five-second rule for food dropped on the floor approved by germ scientists

Food that has been dropped on the floor is usually safe to eat under the so-called ?five-second rule?, a scientist has said.

Germ expert Professor...Read More

Fresh fruits and veggies arent always healthier than frozen, scientists say

A new study has debunked a commonly-held belief that the fresh, colourful fruits and veggies in the produce section are better for you than their frozen...Read More

Five foods that can cause problems if consumed on an empty stomach!

Hunger can often compel you to make wrong decisions like grabbing anything that looks even remotely appetising to you and consuming it.

Of course,...Read More

Most Read News

Fasting might be good for your healh, research says

Mimicking starvation for five days per month could...Read More

5 Reasons Cheese is Actually Good For Your Health

It′s the research we′ve all been waiting...Read More

10 Healthy Twists on Classic Diner Dishes

Vanilla Coconut Whole-Wheat Waffle The best...Read More

Eating cheese does not raise cholesterol, study finds

A study published in the journal Nutrition and Diabetes...Read More

10 Signs You are Obsessing About Your Weight

A recent study published in the European Eating...Read More

Growing Propagating and Using Aloe Vera

If you only have a little space in your garden,...Read More

Can Eating Bananas Help You Lose Weight?

Bananas are perceived as a bad food option for weight...Read More

Ideal exercises to keep your heart healthy

While a nutritional and balanced diet is the first...Read More

Daylight Savings Time: That miserable time of year when many mourn loss of one-hour sleep

If you don′t do mornings, you′re going...Read More

10 Surprising Things That Can Cause You to Lose Muscle

If you′re hitting those strength training...Read More

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