We′ll cut right to the chase: there′s no one that doesn′t have to deal with some hair concern or the other. Whether it′s dry hair, split ends, hair loss, frizzy locks or dandruff, we′re all worried about some form of hair damage or the other. Fortunately, there are hassle-free solutions to whatever hair-raising problem you′re dealing with. Here are five DIYs for some common concerns:
This homemade hot oil treatment will leave you with hydrated, soft and silky tresses.
Mix all the oils in a medium-sized pot and warm it. You can personalise this mix by adding or substituting oils. For example, adding castor oil will not only nourish those dry strands, it′s a great way to stimulate hair growth. However, remember don′t overheat the oils as it will end up damaging your scalp. Make sure it′s lukewarm, not hot. Simply massage your hair with this oil mixture and wrap it up in a towel. Unwrap after 30 minutes and wash with a mild shampoo.
Frizzy hair is due to fact that your locks lack moisture. Fortunately, some simple, easily available ingredients from your kitchen, can do the trick.
Blend all the ingredients together, or simply mash the banana along with the yoghurt and honey. Apply the mask to damp hair, starting from your scalp, and working it to the tips. Once you′ve sufficiently coated your hair with the mask, tie it up and cover with a shower cap or towel. Let it sit for 30 to 45 minutes and wash off with regular shampoo and conditioner.
Who′d have thought that the omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in fish oils can be great for your hair too! Try out this mask and let us know what you think?
Simply mix the oils and heat the mixture on low for about five minutes. Transfer the warm oil to a large bowl. Next, dip the ends into the bowl and let it rest for a minute or two, before you work the oil up your strands. Make sure to avoid your roots and just apply the oil mixture to your hair. Wrap your hair in a towel or plastic wrap for about 40 minutes. Then, make sure to shampoo twice to get out all the oil, but reduce buildup and prevent limp strands.
While honesy has great hydrating properties, this recipe will not only nourish your hair and scalp, but helps strengthen it, preventing breakage and hair fall.
Whisk all the ingredients thoroughly so that they form a thick paste. Then, gently massage the mixture into your scalp first, working it into your strands, from root to tip. Once you′ve covered your entire hair and scalp, leave the mask in for an hour or so and then wash off with your regular shampoo and lukewarm water.
Wait, it′s not snowing outside, is it? Oh, never mind. That′s just your flaky scalp. And while the itchiness can get unbearable, the worst part of this condition is dealing with the visible effects on your otherwise pristine clothing. This recipe will go a long way to help treat this problem.
In a medium-sized bowl, add aloe vera gel and eucalyptus oil, and mix well. Start at your roots and work this mixture to your tips. Make sure you pay particular attention to your scalp. Once you′re satisfied that you′ve applied the mask thoroughly on your scalp, roots and hair, leave it in for 30 minutes to an hour. Then, simply rinse off the gel under cold or lukewarm running water.
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