There are many ways to lose a lot of weight fast. However, most of them will make you hungry and unsatisfied. If you don′t have iron willpower, then hunger will cause you to give up on these plans quickly.
The plan outlined here will:
1. Cut Back on Sugars and Starches
The most important part is to cut back on sugars and starches (carbs). These are the foods that stimulate secretion of insulin the most. If you didn′t know already, insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body. When insulin goes down, fat has an easier time getting out of the fat stores and the body starts burning fats instead of carbs. Another benefit of lowering insulin is that your kidneys shed excess sodium and water out of your body, which reduces bloat and unnecessary water weight. It is not uncommon to lose up to 10 pounds (sometimes more) in the first week of eating this way, both body fat and water weight. The low-carb group is eating until fullness, while the low-fat group is calorie restricted and hungry. Cut the carbs, lower your insulin and you will start to eat less calories automatically and without hunger.
2. Eat Protein, Fat and Vegetables
Each one of your meals should include a protein source, a fat source and low-carb vegetables. Constructing your meals in this way will automatically bring your carb intake into the recommended range of 20-50 grams per day.
Protein Sources:
High protein diets can also reduce obsessive thoughts about food by 60%, reduce desire for late-night snacking by half, and make you so full that you automatically eat 441 fewer calories per day... just by adding protein to your diet
When it comes to losing weight, protein is the king of nutrients. Period.
Low-Carb Vegetables:
Fat Sources:
3. Lift Weights 3 Times Per Week
You don′t need to exercise to lose weight on this plan, but it is recommended. The best option is to go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Do a warm up, lift weights, then stretch. If you′re new to the gym, ask a trainer for some advice. By lifting weights, you will burn a few calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight. Studies on low-carb diets show that you can even gain a bit of muscle while losing significant amounts of body fat. If lifting weights is not an option for you, then doing some easier cardio workouts like running, jogging, swimming or walking will suffice.
Optional - Do a "Carb Re-feed" Once Per Week You can take one day "off" per week where you eat more carbs. Many people prefer Saturday. It is important to try to stick to healthier carb sources like oats, rice, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruits, etc. But only this one higher carb day, if you start doing it more often than once per week then you′re not going to see much success on this plan. If you must have a cheat meal and eat something unhealthy, then do it on this day. Be aware that cheat meals or carb refeeds are NOT necessary, but they can up-regulate some fat burning hormones like leptin and thyroid hormones.
What About Calories and Portion Control?
It is NOT necessary to count calories as long as you keep the carbs very low and stick to protein, fat and low-carb vegetables. Enter your details, then pick the number from either the "Lose Weight" or the "Lose Weight Fast" section - depending on how fast you want to lose. There are many great tools you can use to track the amount of calories you are eating. Here is a list of 5 calorie counters that are free and easy to use. The main goal is to keep carbs under 20-50 grams per day and get the rest of your calories from protein and fat.
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