Losing Weight in Hot Weather Made Easy

If you live in a place where the relentless sun refuses to give any respite to humans, then losing weight might be a difficult task for you here.

While chartering a workout schedule, make sure that you keep in mind the climate of where you live. When trying to lose extra pounds in hot weather, it is important to keep your safety in mind and have alternatives of staying cool while exercising handy. Take a look at these tips to help you lose weight in hot weather.

Invest in Fitness or Gym Membership

Most fitness centres offer an additional option for exercising on hot days while avoiding the heat. Enrol in yoga classes, indoor cycling, boot camp or Pilates if they are available in close proximity to where you live.

Find at-home Exercises

Find exercises that you can do at home if investing in gym equipments or joining a gym is not feasible. You can easily exercise indoors by doing aerobic workouts, such as jumping jacks, running in place, resistance exercises, such as sit-ups, push-ups, squats or lunges.

Wear Sunscreen

Make sure that you wear sunscreen whenever you exercise outdoors. Pick a sunscreen that has an SPF value of at least 30. Sunscreen will help protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation that can cause serious skin problems, such as sunburns and can increase the risk of developing skin cancer. You may also use a sun block. A sun block helps in protecting the skin from the dangers of exposure to heat and radiation of the sun right after you have applied it unlike in the case of sunscreen, which must be applied 20 minutes before stepping out.

Stay Hydrated

Remember to keep yourself hydrated not only when you are exercising, but also otherwise. While exercising, the body naturally sweats to cool the internal temperature. Exercising when it is hot outside increases the amount of moisture that one loses from sweat, thereby increasing the risks of heat exhaustion and heat stroke that can lead to seizures, swelling of brain and even death if let to be for a prolonged period.

Exercise in Shade

When exercising outdoors, always exercise in shade. Choose a running path that runs through a forested area with lots of trees. Alternatively, find a shade of a large tree to perform stationary or resistance exercises under it. Even if only a small part of your exercise routine is in the shade, doing so helps in cutting the risks associated with working out in the heat.

However you plan to exercise, make sure that you avoid exercising during the midday sun. It is during this time that the sun is closest to earth.

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