Natural and healthy effects of Aloe Vera!

Aloe vera is a plant with many qualities to take care of your health, whether for internal or external use. To enjoy the benefits of aloe vera on health, we use yellow latex extracted from the outer layer of the leaves and aloe vera gel, clear and mucilaginous, extracted from the inside of the leaves of aloe vera.

Aloe is believed to have originated in Egypt or the Middle East, but the plant has long been naturalized and cultivated throughout the tropics and warm regions of Africa, India, Asia , the Caribbean, South America, Mexico, the southern United States, etc. Elsewhere in the world, it is widespread as a houseplant.

It′s fascinating origins are not enough to show the real value of this sacred plant! it has a lot of healthy benefits that can be either use for internal benefits or external ones! In this article we′re going to be showing you some of them!


external application of aloe may be helpful in accelerating the healing of 1st and 2nd degree burns. They point out, however, that the data are not homogeneous enough to establish an effective treatment protocol1.

Two comparative clinical trials were published after this meta-analysis. In one case, a cream containing a dry extract of aloe gel slightly reduced the healing time of 2nd degree burns, compared with a cream containing silver sulfadiazine. In the other, an aloe gel was more effective than a placebo gel, but less than a cream containing 1% cortisone to treat an experimentally induced sunburn.

antibacterial properties:

Antioxidants are important for your health and aloe vera gel is no exeption!

Aloe vera gel contains powerful antioxidants that can greatly improuve someone′s health , which belong to a large family of substances known as polyphenols !

These polyphenols, along with several other compounds in Aloe vera, can help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that can cause infections in humans .

In conclusion Aloe vera contains various powerful antioxidant compounds. Some of these compounds can help inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and maintain your health!

Reduces dental plaque:

A toothpaste containing aloe used for 30 days had no more effect on plaque and gingivitis than an ordinary fluoride toothpaste. In 2012, another study reported a reduction in dental plaque with a longer course of treatment (24 weeks) compared to a standard toothpaste. So if you are looking for clean and healthy dentation you should aim for a toothpaste that contains this wonderful plant!

Prevent constipation:

Aloe latex thanks to a couple of studies and tests, appears to be a powerful stimulant laxative . The combination of aloe with celandine and psyllium seems to increase the number of stools in people with chronic constipation, compared to the placebo group (Odes). Commission E, ESCOP and the World Health Organization recognize the effectiveness of aloe latex in treating occasional constipation. If you′re suffering from constipation then i suggest you consider aloe verra to treat your problems!

Treat skin :

Some studies have shown that applying aloe vera cream might help your skin with anti-aging properties! applying it everyday on your skin has also shown to reduce it′s redness. The side effects are that it might dehydrate the skin but in that′s only if the user uses it more than twice a day and if he has dehydrative habits such as not drinking enough water! So if you want to get rid of wrinkles you should definitly consider aloe!

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