Stress and strain of daily routine, unhealthy diet,digestive problems, poor blood supply to scalp, hormonal imbalance and immune system disturbances are some of the well-known reasons for hair loss and infection. Although, yoga does not directly deal with the hair problems, but yog-asanas and breathing techniques help to address the root reasons causing them.
Regular yoga practice helps enhance circulation of blood in the scalp, improve digestion and reduces anxiety and stress which in turn reduces hair loss.
These asanas allow blood circulation to the scalp and thereby hair follicles allowing it to re-grow. Some other poses that help growth of long and beautiful hair are Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand pose) and Sirshasana (headstand pose).
There are certain breathing exercise that can help to oxygenate your body and scalp while strengthening the muscles of your stomach and abdomen for e.g. Kapalbhati pranayam and Anulom vilom.
This is a double-nostril breathing exercise. This consists of a series of quick exhalations accompanied by an inward drawing motion of the stomach. You must sit in the same position as you did for bhastrika, to do this exercise. You must concentrate only on the exhalations; the inhalations take place involuntarily. Thus an exhalation and a an inward stomach movement per second set the pace for Kapalbhati. Do this continuously for five minutes without stopping. However, if you are a beginner, you may take anywhere between a few days to a few weeks to achieve this speed. You can start off slowly; maybe do it continuously for two to three minutes, stop, and then start again. You must work towards doing KB for 15 minutes at a time, with a rest period every five minutes.
In addition to eating a well balanced diet, keeping hair clean, regular massage one must understand that hair loss in natural process and cannot be reversed, however the process can be restricted or slowed down with the above given tips.
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